Wednesday, 20 October 2010


Well, what a fun ride i had yesterday morning!  Basil got a bit excited and managed to half pull a shoe off in the middle of our ride.  He used to pull his shoes off all the time when i first had him but since then with regular trimming and shoeing and good food he is much better.  He also wears over reach boots for most of the time.... just in case.
Anyway, he had pulled it and it slid sideways, luckily he has quarter clips on his front shoes at the moment so there wasn't a toe clip to stick in his sole.  How he managed to not put a nail into his foot i will never know.  It did hurt though and as i couldn't pull it off i had to lead him home.  He was fine when he could walk on the grass but refused to walk far on the road so we left quite a lot of hoof prints on beautifully mown grass verges in the villages.
Luckily i managed to get the shoe off when i get home with a few tools i have collected over the years and as i have a great farrier that was in the area on that day he came out and put the shoe back on.  Basil had a slighlty swollen leg this morning which i think was down to a slight sprain from walking funnily on the way back but it was better by this evening.
I'm sure he will be fine by tomorrow.

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