Sunday, 24 October 2010

Hi-vis lesson to us all

Not such a nice story but thought i would share as it really makes you think about road safety.  In the next village to me a horse was hit by a car the other day because the sun was so low in the sky they didn't see it.  The rider was riding and leading and so was further across the road than one on their own but it was later on in the afternoon when the sun is low.  They were just going over a hill and had no hi-vis on, although i wouldn't be suprised if the driver was going too fast (they don't slow down as they enter the village!) it may well have made them more noticeable if they did have some brighter clothing on.  If they were more noticeable the car might have had time to swerve ... give cars as much chance as possible of spotting you.

It makes you think about what time you ride in the day at this time of year, i know school or work makes it difficult but wearing a luminous or florescent coat or tabard is always a good idea.  I have a bright yellow hat cover and tabard and if i have to ride when it is dull or difficult to see i put florescent boots on Basil.  You can get these at various prices but buying the most expensive is not necessary, Basil wears boots i have had for over 15 years and although i can't remember they weren't very much money.  Even wearing clothes that are brighter colours than the trees and hedges, so a pink or white coat, orange or light blue will help.  There is loads of stuff so just look around, to find a great selection look at
Safe Riding to you all.

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